Poag Development Group

Corporate Headquarters
1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 215
Memphis, TN 38138
Phone: 901.761.7604
Fax: 901.761.5325

Customize our site to your needs

The site has been designed with accessibility in mind so it is as broadly usable as possible for everyone especially people with low vision and fine motor impairments. However, we know that you may have preferences or needs that are not supported without further modification. Following are the ways you can customize our site to make it a better experience for you.

Use our accessibility panel to customize your needs

The buttons are placed on each page at the right center.

Accessibility Panel Image

This accessibility panel allows you to make color contrast high, change to Gray scale, and the text size bigger. You can select more than one of these at the same time, e.g. high color contrast with larger font size.

Do you like more color contrast?

Use the contrast button to switch the pages into high contrast mode.

Color Contrast Toggle

Do you like the text a bit bigger?

Use the TT button to increase the text size.

Font Size Toggle

Should you experience any difficulty in accessing the Poag website, please contact us at 1-833-721-0336, Monday-Friday from 9-5 EST.
